Articles by

Connie Kulis-Page

Connie is a British copywriter and independent artist. She spent her childhood in the UK before travelling and teaching in East Asia and now lives in beautiful Vienna with her husband and boston terrier. With a first class degree in contemporary performance, she believes that creativity and play are integral to a successful education and indeed a happy life. She spends her free time in galleries, up mountains, wandering in the wild and slurping coffee with close friends.

Interested in Gender-Neutral Parenting? Here’s a Clear and Helpful Introduction

A clear introduction to the gender neutrality movement, how to approach gender-neutral parenting and a list of the best gender-diverse books for kids.

GoStudent Educational Report: Executive Summary Plus Full Download

Gain a fascinating insight into the schooling experience of parents and students across Europe during 2020/21 via GoStudent’s first annual Educational Report.

Overwhelmed by the Long List of Grammar Schools in the UK? Let Us Help

Read on for a list of grammar schools in the UK, where to find them, how they differ from other secondary schools and what it takes to get in.

Augmented Reality in Education: Exciting Innovation or an Unnecessary Distraction?

Learn how augmented reality is being integrated into the classroom and understand what impact it might have on your child’s educational experience.

Is Your Child Applying for Student Loans? Here’s How to Support Them

Understand the intricacies of applying for student loans in the UK and how you can support your child through the entire application and repayment process.

The Best Ways to Manage Anxiety While Waiting for Exam Results

Learn the best ways to help your child to stay calm and optimistic with these helpful tips on how to cope with waiting for exam results.

What’s the Story behind Pudsey Bear and Children in Need?

Get to know the story behind the famous, yellow Pudsey Bear and ready yourself for the BBC Children in Need Appeal Show 2021.

Are Narrowing A-Level Subject Choices Reducing Students’ Opportunities?

Understand findings from the latest report into narrowing A-level choices for students in the UK and the impact it’s having on their career opportunities.

Five Fascinating Facts About Bonfire Night to Share With Your Kids

Discover the full fascinating story behind Bonfire Night, why we celebrate it and how best to explain the whole thing to children.

Why Is Your Child Swearing and How Should You Discipline Them?

Understand the top reasons behind child swearing and discover the best ways to discipline and respond to your child when it happens.

Seven Top Tips to Make Amazing Montessori Rooms

Read on for an introduction to what makes Montessori rooms special with seven easy tips to help you build one in your own home.

Boarding Schools in the UK. Harmful to Students or a Really Good Idea?

Discover the pros and cons of UK boarding schools. Unrivalled centres for academic excellence or harmful to your child’s mental health?

How Has Covid-Era University Affected Students in the UK?

Understand how Covid-19 has affected UK universities and learn how best to support your child through the higher education experience.

Is Squid Game Worth the Hype? The Explosion of Korean Culture in the UK

Get up to speed on the latest Korean trends taking the UK by storm from fashion and film to music, cuisine and of course, Squid Game.

Studying Abroad Post Brexit

Understand how Brexit has affected study-abroad options and assess which continued education route might be best for your child.