Can I Do National 5 English/Maths Online and How Hard Are the Courses?


  1. Can I do National 5 maths online?
  2. Can I do National 5 English online?
  3. Online Aberdeen University English and maths courses


If you’re wondering “Can I do National 5 maths online?” or “Can I do National 5 English online?” you’re about to find out. Perhaps you need one of these in order to do your Highers or maybe it’s a requirement for a job. Let’s find out if it’s possible to study these online and how hard the Nat 5 maths and English courses are.colour_coding_highlighting_colors_studying_techniques

Can I do National 5 maths online?


You can do National 5 maths online. The University of Aberdeen has an Access Maths SCQF5 course available. SCQF stands for the Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework. One SCQF credit point equates to approximately 10 hours of learning time.

Here are the main details for the University of Aberdeen’s Access Maths SCQF5 course:

Course Info





Up to 12 months

Start Date


Learning time plus assessment time

Approximately 150 hours




Please note that this information is for learning and assessment. You can also choose ‘learning only’ as an option but you’ll need to complete the assessment too if you need National 5 maths to get into a course or for a job. 

What’s in the Access Maths SCQF5 course?

If you’re wondering how hard the course will be, it depends on how you found National 4 Maths and which topics you found easy and those you thought were more on the challenging side. 🤷 Here are some topics that are included to give you an idea:

  • Arcs and sectors
  • Pythagoras and vectors
  • Completing the square and graphs of quadratics
  • Gradients, straight lines and simultaneous equations
  • Linear equations
  • Quadratic equations and the discriminant
  • Percentages, fractions, surds
  • Trigonometry

If any or all of these have struck fear into your heart, don’t despair! There’s always private tutoring to help you through the course so you’re not studying alone. At GoStudent, we have tutors who specialise in National 5 maths and they’ll break the topics down for you into manageable chunks and save you time and a headache by explaining everything at your pace.

What IT requirements are there?

Since the course is online, you’ll need to make sure you have everything you need to access it before you start. We’re going to cover the following main points to consider:

  • Electronic device
  • Internet
  • Webcam/headset
  • Software

You can access the teaching material on a computer, smartphone, or tablet. However, having a computer keyboard will make your life easier when completing assignments. For a PC, it needs to be operating on Windows 8 or later, and for a Mac, it needs to be operating on Mac OS 10.12 (Sierra) or later. 💻

Since you’ll be covering the course online, you’re going to need reliable internet access with a decent download speed. The University of Aberdeen estimates you’ll need at least 2Mbps in order to fully take part in the live sessions. 

Most electronic devices come with a webcam built in these days but if not you can buy one that’s compatible with your device. You may also want a headset with a built-in microphone depending on where you’re going to study so you can listen and watch without disturbing others and to block out external noises so you can concentrate. 

The uni will provide you with access to Office365 applications so that you can use online versions of Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. 


Can I do National 5 English online?


There are a number of websites that offer National 5 English online to complement the curriculum you learn at school. Many of these have pre-recorded lessons to watch and will help with your revision.

Whether or not you’d find a National 5 English course difficult depends on your natural ability in the different areas covered. Most students find they usually have to work harder at some topics and fine-tune their skills. Here are some topics that are usually included to give you an idea:

  • Watch a programme or clip and answer media-style questions
  • Write a creative or discursive writing piece
  • Prepare and give a talk on a specified topic


Online Aberdeen University English and maths courses


The University of Aberdeen has 128 short courses available. The options range from Developmental Psychology: Current Issues in Education to Economics for Finance. We’re going to focus on the English and maths courses available. Here’s a list of the different courses with the associated qualification level:

  • Access Course in English - SCQF 6 (Comparable with a Higher)
  • Access Course in Maths - SCQF 5
  • Access Course in Maths - SCQF 6 (Higher)
  • Access Course in Maths - SCQF 7 (Advanced Higher)

If you’re excited by the prospect of doing a National 5 course online, good on you. You’ll be learning some valuable skills to carry with you throughout your life and they’ll open up more doors.

If you find you get stuck at any stage or just want to make sure you get the best grades possible, let one of our expert tutors guide and support you, making studying and test prep a lot more enjoyable and pain-free. 👍