What is Assistive Technology?


This guide will define the term assistive technology and list some tools that may be of assistance to students who may need them


Sometimes you may wonder why some individuals appear to be using different types of tools to do some of their homework or why they may be using a different type of equipment at their workplace. 🛠️ 

We may not be aware that they may have an "invisible disability", such as an intellectual disability or dyslexia. In addition, sometimes the disability is physical and you can see that the person may be blind or be in a wheelchair. 🦽 

Individuals with a disability can get certain jobs done by using assistive technology. Often abbreviated as AT, assistive technology is any product, equipment, or piece of software used to maintain, improve, or assist individuals with disabilities. ⚙️ 

We are always available to assist with your learning needs, and we have so many tutors that would be happy to connect. 🙋 





Some examples of assistive technology include:


🦽 Mobility devices such as wheelchairs

🦻 Hearing devices

🦼 Physical modifications such as ramps, grips and handlebars for access

💽 Software that can read aloud or talk-to-text capabilities


But, not all assistive technology is complex 🤯 — some assistive tools can be a pencil holder ✏️ or a timer. ⏲️  It is intended to support you, assisting you with certain tasks and making it easier for you to complete them. You can read more about assistive technology here and here if you’d like to find out more about what AT is and how it can be used. 


Reading 👁️‍🗨️


You may be wondering what type of tools are available if you need some support with reading 📚 Luckily, there are many different types of assistive technologies that you haven't considered assistive at all — like audiobooks! You can listen to the text read in an audiobook and see the words highlighted as they are read, so that you can concentrate on understanding the story rather than trying to decode the words and losing track of the story. 🎧


Writing ⌨️


If you need some help with your writing, there are also assistive technologies that can help ✍️ First, let's address which, if not both, writing issues you may be experiencing. If you’ve a hard time organizing your thoughts, that’s known as “written expression”. 

If you find you have difficulties printing, handwriting, and spelling that is known as “transcription”. 

Try graphic organizers to help you put your thoughts together to execute your story. Typing and text to type devices will allow you to transcribe your ideas without having to print the letters. Additionally, spell and grammar checks can help with both spelling and grammar. 


Maths ➕ ➗


Maths and mathematical concepts can be difficult for some people to grasp, but there has been a piece of technology which has helped people for a very long time, though you may not have realized it. Do you know what that tool is? A calculator.

Calculators can assist with adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing, amongst many other mathematical concepts. Our excellent team of tutors can also assist with this – so maybe online tutoring would be a good idea for you. 💁🏻


Listening Comprehension 🎧


Some may have an issue with ‘auditory processing’ This makes listening to words confusing sometimes and you may fail to understand the message being communicated to you. A person may say "How was your day?" but a person with deficient auditory processing may hear "Cow eats hay". Assistive technology such as closed captioning can support the messages being heard, allowing you to be able to read and listen to the words so that the message is more clear 👌

There are many different types of assistive technologies out in the world 🌎 to support your learning needs. Technology, such as cell phones📱 and laptops come equipped with many of these assistive technologies already, and it’s just a matter of looking them up before you can get started. One example you may not be aware of is in Google Docs, which comes equipped with ‘Accessibility Settings’ in the Tools tab. 📑

At GoStudent, we look forward to hearing from you and helping you explore other assistive technology that can support your journey to success. Book a free trial class today, and connect with your tutor. You can start discussing your needs and we are happy to be of service in any way that will get you on your way to your goals!

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