Celebrate the Special Women in Your Life on Mother’s Day


  1. Where did Mother’s Day start?
  2. Fun facts about Mother’s Day
  3. How do other countries celebrate Mother’s Day?
  4. How to celebrate Mother’s Day in 2022


Most of us have at least one special woman in our life: the one who nurtured us as we grew up. Mother’s Day is an occasion to give thanks and if you’re a mother yourself, acknowledge all of the great work you’ve done for your family and the love and support you give.

It’s a little surprising, but the history of Mother’s Day doesn’t begin with chocolates and gifts. It’s even more special so let’s take a little journey and some time to find out.mums reading to child

Where did Mother’s Day start?


It’s widely regarded that Mother’s Day started in the USA in 1907 when a lady called Anna Jarvis had some friends over to commemorate her mother’s life. In the following years, Anna pushed for a national day to honour all mothers.

By 1914 this became a reality with Mother’s Day being held in the USA on the second Sunday in May. Many other countries have followed suit and also use this date. In the UK, Mother’s Day is celebrated on the fourth Sunday during the month of Lent, which is why the date changes accordingly. This year, Mother’s Day will be on Sunday, 27th March. 🥰

It was Anna Jarvis who began the tradition of wearing a carnation on Mother’s Day; coloured if your mum is living and white if not. Her intention was for people to spend time with their mums and gift-giving was something that evolved over time and wasn’t in her original plan, although it’s well-engrained as a custom around the world now, as we’ll see after. 

Mother’s Day, Mothers Day, or Mothering Sunday?

You’ve probably seen Mother’s Day, Mothers Day, and Mothering Day written down before. Anna specifically wanted the apostrophe to be before the ‘s’ as we see in Mother’s Day. That’s because the intention was to celebrate each individual mother and their service, although Mothers Day is often used interchangeably these days. 

Mothering Sunday came out of England and dates back even further. 

What is the history of Mothering Sunday?

Mothering Sunday began in the 1600s in England. It was held on the fourth Sunday of Lent, as Mother’s Day is today. Many poor people lived away from their families at this time working for the rich as servants. They were given Mothering Sunday off so they could return home to spend the day with their mums. A special Mothering Cake was typically baked and shared as part of the celebration.

Ancient civilisations had their own version

Way before the 1600s, the Greeks and Romans celebrated their respective mother of gods, Rhea and Magna Mater, although this differs from our Mother’s Day which is to honour individual mothers. Offerings would be given to please these gods. 

Check out our adorable Mother's Day template below that you can fill in with your little one. Click the button to download!MothersDay_UKDownload mother's day template


Fun facts about Mother’s Day


A lot has changed over the years and the tradition has evolved and new countries have brought in their own meanings and ways of celebrating. Here are some interesting facts about Mother’s Day you probably didn’t know:

  • Mother’s Day is celebrated in 46 countries around the world
  • Around 30 million cards are sent in the UK for Mother’s Day
  • Flower sales increase by around 70 per cent on Mother’s Day

How do other countries celebrate Mother’s Day?


Here’s just a taste of how some of the 46 countries around the world celebrate this special day. ❤️

France: La Fête des Mères

In France, the equivalent day is usually held on the second Sunday in May unless Pentecost falls on this day whereby Mother’s Day is moved to the first Sunday. It’s often celebrated by kids giving a card, perfume, flowers, and handmade gifts to their mums. Food usually plays an important role in the day too and this can be a homecooked meal or dining out at a restaurant. 

Mexico: Feliz Día de la Madre

In Mexico, the date is always the 10th of May. However, celebrations start the night before when people visit their mum or grandma. The following day involves a trip to church and treating the special women in your life. Mum’s get showered with gifts (flowers are popular there also) and a big family feast is enjoyed. 

Germany: Muttertag

In Germany, the celebration is usually held on the second Sunday in May unless Pentecost falls on this day whereby Mother’s Day is moved to the first Sunday. Kids in Germany typically give their mums cards, flowers, and gifts. It’s common for the family to get together and spend the day cooking for their mum to enjoy a homecooked meal together. 

Japan: Haha no hi

In Japan, Mother’s Day is held on the second Sunday in May. Mums typically receive flowers from their kids or gifts. Special egg dishes are also shared: one is a Japanese omelette and the other is custard egg with shrimp or chicken. 


How to celebrate Mother’s Day in 2022


Covid restrictions were still in place last Mother’s Day, so this year should be all about getting together, hugging, holding hands, and spending quality time with your mum or your kids if you’re a mum yourself. 👨‍👩‍👧

Whatever your family tradition is we’d like to wish a Happy Mother’s Day to all those special women out there and say thanks for doing such an amazing job. 

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