Getting Back on Track: Top Tips for Braving Back to School


  1. Reinforce a bedtime routine
  2. Communicate
  3. Positive mental attitude
  4. Mental health
  5. Social contact
  6. Classroom learning


It goes without saying that we’ve all been through a turbulent time lately. The Coronavirus pandemic meant a new normal for all of us, including our children. Having to adjust to home learning and then readjust to school learning is likely to have played havoc with children’s routines.

But have no fear! We’ve compiled a list of expert tips and tricks to help your little one slide back into school life with ease after the summer break. 🎒drawing in school

It’s hard enough to get your little one excited about going back to school in September without having to deal with the challenges of the pandemic. After 6 weeks of having fun in the sun, it’s natural for kids to dread the first day back at school.

Kids thrive on routine and it’s important to prepare them for the start of term early and gradually. Here are some ways you can help your child ease into their new routine


#1 Reinforce a bedtime routine


Your little one probably got used to staying up later during the summer holidays. Plus, home learning also posed challenges to nighttime routines. Before going back to school in September, get your child into the swing of going to bed at a normal time, and make sure it’s the same time every day. 

The experts at Family Lives have this to say:

“Try to build a little structure back into their day that is reflective of school times, such as a set lunchtime, play etc. It may help to walk past their school so they can start seeing this becoming a part of their day.”

As we said, kids require routine and you’ll reduce the risk of bedtime wars on school nights if you put a routine in place early. 💤


#2 Communicate


Communication is key. Before going back to school, be sure to check in with your child and ask them how they’re feeling. Let them know that it’s okay to be nervous or overwhelmed. Your child might feel uncomfortable about going back to school because of the virus. Be sure to maintain open and honest communication with them. Let them know that their teachers are there to help keep them safe. Maintain a positive dialogue while also acknowledging and accepting how they’re feeling. 🗣️


#3 Positive mental attitude


While it’s important to acknowledge any negative feelings your child might be having, it’s also a great idea to get them excited about going back to school. Remind them how much fun they’re going to have with their friends. They’ll be able to play outside together and do fun activities like sports and art. Treat them to some fun new stationery to get them excited about learning. If they’re still feeling down on their first day, take them to the park after pick-up or pick up an ice cream on the way home. They’ll soon adapt when they realise that school has its positives too. 🍨

Kids were forced to deal with many challenges as they learned from home. Ranging from technical issues, a lack of stability and mental health struggles, our little ones were forced to adapt fast. Home learning is likely to have had a lasting effect on many children. Here we’ll explore how to deal with the challenges posed by home learning so your child feels confident to reenter the classroom. 💪


#4 Mental health


It’s fair to say that the pandemic had a huge impact on mental health. Many children experienced anxiety, stress, and even depression. As we already mentioned, reassure your child by being attentive and affectionate. Give them lots of hugs if they need physical reassurance and let them know that you’re always there when they need you. If you need extra support, there are wonderful resources available from charities like Young Minds and The Mental Health Foundation.

It’s important that your child is comfortable enough to communicate how they’re feeling, so you can find a solution together. 🧠 


#5 Social contact


Being isolated for so long is unlike anything any of us have ever experienced. Your child may be feeling a little overwhelmed at the prospect of being surrounded by so many people again. Why not try and ease them in gently by arranging meetings with smaller groups of their friends in the run-up to September? It also might be an idea to travel to school together with a friend of theirs. Tackling the first day back with a good friend by their side might be just what they need. 🤝❤️


#6 Classroom learning


Having gotten used to doing everything online, the prospect of writing by hand and using books may seem a little alien to your child at first. Make sure you remind them that there’s life outside the computer. Read books together at bedtime and encourage play like colouring and drawing. This will help keep their mind active and ready to take on the classroom. 📚✍️

At GoStudent, it’s our priority to provide extra support to your child. We know it’s been a tough time, and we’re here to help. If your little one needs a little extra learning support after going back to school, book a trial lesson with one of our experienced tutors today. 

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