How a Maths Quiz Can Make Maths Learning Fun


  1. What is a maths quiz?
  2. What are the benefits of maths quizzes? 
  3. How can I make fun maths quiz questions?
  4. Other tips for maths quizzes
  5. What resources can I use for quizzes?
  6. Why use maths quizzes?


Want to use games and other forms of playful learning in maths? Using maths quizzes could be just what you're looking for!

It's no secret that calculating maths problems can be a little boring. 🥱 It's important to find unique maths questions and think of different ways to solve them. 


What is a maths quiz?


We're not talking about the original sit down quiz with a question and answer system. We're referring to maths quizzes that are simple and fun. Quizzes where you are given 4 different choices for answers and a time limit to answer them. 

Each quiz should only cover one topic or be broad enough to cover a whole set of topics. You can set up the whole quiz yourself or request your GCSE maths tutor. 📚


What are the benefits of maths quizzes? 💭


The first benefit is that you can choose which subject to cover. When it comes to maths quizzes, you choose from anything that is already covered in class. 

This means that you can take work from the textbooks that you use in school. You can think of your own questions or even take questions from the internet. 📘

As counterintuitive as it may sound, you should also limit the answers. You won’t be as scared to give answers when you have options in front of you and this can encourage you to go outside of your comfort zone to try more difficult questions. If you get it wrong, you can rework your answers until you get one of the four answers. 📝

Giving yourself a time limit for certain questions can push you to think quickly. Critical thinking is a skill you should try to develop. Make sure that you do not push the limits though. You do not want to give yourself too little time to cover a question because that may end up being demotivating. 🤭

One of the major stresses for you might be finishing the test in the allocated time. So GCSE maths quizzes that have time limits encourage you to learn how to answer math questions within a time limit. Way before you need to appear for your GCSE maths exams. ✍️


How can I make fun maths quiz questions? 


The first step is to rank questions in order of difficulty. Then, you can decide whether you want to make different quizzes for each difficulty level, or mix all the questions up.

There are three levels of questions, each with two sub levels. 

  1. Knowledge & comprehension✔️
  2. Application & knowledge✔️
  3. Synthesis & evaluation✔️

Knowledge and comprehension use the words list, identify, explain and measure. Maths quiz questions for younger children focus on this first level. 

Application and analysis use words such as, demonstrate, classify, draw and deduce. This level includes the drawing of graphs, interpretation of data, and solving problems with your existing knowledge. This level is used for children above the age of 10 up until GCSE level. 

Synthesis and evaluation will include words like evaluate, design, create and prioritise. This level is used from ages 13 and up and involves the highest grade of thinking.

Using these words you can make up questions as you go and classify them into relevant buckets. 

How do you make this fun? Use a variety of different question starters. Don’t keep using the same question types during the maths quiz. Starting a question differently will eventually lead you to forming new types of questions! 


Other tips for maths quizzes 📖


🔆 Tip 1: Make sure all of your answers for the quiz have a correct answer. 

🔆 Tip 2: Make sure your questions levels are evenly distributed. Do not make too many of the questions difficult. It can discourage you from completing the quiz. 

🔆 Tip 3: Do not miss the time limit! Reward yourself if you finish within the time limit. 

🔆 Tip 4: Always have a piece of paper for your calculations. This is still maths and you will always need to work things out on paper.

🔆 Tip 5: Use positive reinforcement during quizzes. Make sure that you are not associating negative things with failing the quiz. Rather encourage yourself to do better on the next one.

🔆 Tip 6: Use an online platform to do the quiz. It will include its own timer and will randomise the questions for you!


What resources can I use for quizzes?


Kahoot! 💜

Kahoot! is a hugley popular quizzing app. You can use it not just for maths but for so many other subjects too! Kahoot! has quizzes that are set up already, so you do not have to spend time choosing questions. All the questions are there for you. 

Your GoStudent tutors can also make quizzes for you to access on Kahoot! This allows you to get the best of both worlds  - the existing quizzers and the questions that your tutor thinks you may need help with. 

Education Quizzes 💙

Education quizzes is built for use online. The platform is broken up into grades. Just make sure you pick the UK option when you open up the page. Similar to Kahoot! you have every quizzes for every subject! 

A lot of these quizzes are created by teachers for children, like you, to use. So it is already curriculum based. 

The maths quiz questions come with answers. All the quizzes are timed and include images. 😄

The plaform feature a great GCSE maths quiz. Not many online quiz sites and apps actually have an option for GCSE. They will have the different subjects, but you never know whether those are up to GCSE maths level. 

Now you can have peace of mind knowing the questions asked will be relevant to your GCSE exams.

Educational Quizzes does not have the option for making your own maths quiz. This can be a good or a bad thing depending on how you feel about it. They do however, have different math games that you can play. 

Family Education 🤍

Family Education is a much more relaxed online platform. It has quizzes for everything, including celebrities and animals. You can, however, find fun maths quizzes on this platform. It is aimed more towards a family setting, so the questions are easier to understand.

The website is also broken up into different age groups and is the perfect resource for those of you looking to get started on their maths journey early. 😁


Why use maths quizzes?


The most important thing is to develop an undying love for maths. The best way to do this? Find ways to make maths more fun. One of the best ways to do this is through maths quizzes.

While maths quizzes are the perfect resource for you to practice your skills and discover which topics you are struggling with, they don’t teach you more about those challenging topics. To relearn the topics you find difficult, it’s crucial to get some additional tutoring help. We urge you to try out GoStudent’s world-class maths tutors.

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