GCSE Results Day 2023 FAQ: Get Ready and Prepare Yourself For The Big Day


  1. How can I deal with anxiety in the run-up to GCSE results day?
  2. When is GCSE results day?
  3. How do I get my GCSE results?
  4. What time do GCSE results come out?
  5. What do I need to take with me on GCSE results day?
  6. What are the grades for GCSE 2023?
  7. What grades do I need to pass my GCSEs?
  8. Are 2023 GCSE grade boundaries lower?

  9. Can you appeal against GCSE results?
  10. What can I do if I didn’t get the GCSE results I wanted?


As GCSE results day 2023 nears, feelings of excitement and fear begin to grow for students up and down the country. After two years of study and an intense exam period, it can feel like the stakes are sky high. GCSE exam results are often the stepping stone that take many young people into the next phase of their lives, be it A-levels, an apprenticeship or vocational course, or the world of work.

GCSE results day can be a nerve-wracking time, so help yourself by making sure you’re clued up on the process. By arming yourself with answers to all the important questions, you can prepare yourself to navigate the experience with ease.😀

How can I deal with anxiety in the run-up to GCSE results day?

Emotions are bound to run high as you await your exam results, but it’s important to remember that results aren’t everything. That’s probably easier said than done as the day draws nearer, but take time to think about how you’ve progressed over the last few years and think about what you’d like to do next. Even if you’ve got your heart set on a particular next step, remember that there’s always more than one avenue to the future, and no two people’s routes are the same.🗺️

There are a few things that you can keep in mind as you move towards the big day:

  1. Let it go ☃️- at this point, what’s done is done and you can’t change it. Accepting that might help you stay calm and collected.
  2. Eat well 🔋- filling yourself full of junk will leave you with no energy when results day arrives. Try to eat as healthily as you can to give your body a boost.
  3. Sleep well 🛌- poor sleep can have a negative effect on mental health and being too tired can make it harder to cope with the excitement of the day.
  4. Distract yourself 🧠- Spend quality time with friends or family members who lift you up. Get outdoors and do something fun, watch your favourite shows or films or call up a friend for a chat.
  5. Find a furry friend 🐕 - Playing with a family pet or a friend’s pet can be really calming!
  6. Be positive 🧘- You can do this by reciting affirmations or by thinking constructively about your backup plan if you don’t get the result you want. Keep your options open and think about different courses and areas of study. 


When is GCSE results day?

This year, GCSE results day is Thursday 24th of August 2023. 🗓️


How do I get my GCSE results?

Most people will collect their results from school. Some schools may choose to send results to you digitally (via email or an online portal) or by post, so be sure to check with your teachers. If your school requires you to collect your results in person and you’re going to be away, make sure you let them know in advance so that you can arrange for them to be sent by post or email.📩

If you’re going to collect your results from school, check whether you need to pick them up at reception or from a specific classroom. Your school should be able to tell you about these arrangements in advance. If you’re sending someone else in to collect your results on your behalf, make sure that this has been agreed in advance and that they have the right documentation (e.g. a signed letter, photo ID) with them.

What time to the GCSE results come out?

Many students will be able to collect their results as early as 8am, but this will vary from school to school. Check with your teachers about the best time to come in.⌚

Give yourself plenty of time to get to school and make sure you know how you’re getting there. Think about whether you want to rip open your results on the spot or take them somewhere quieter. You may need time to absorb and process your results, and it’s up to you whether you do this at school, surrounded by classmates and teachers, or privately at home.

What do I need to take with me on GCSE results day?

You’ll be able to find out from your school about the arrangements for GCSE results day. Remember that things differ from one school to another, so don’t presume that your school’s arrangements will be the same as your friends’.

There are a few things that you can take with you to help you through GCSE results day.

  1. A fully charged phone 📱– Whether it’s for celebratory selfies or to call someone to tell them how you did, you’ll definitely want your phone to hand.
  2. Photo ID  – You’ll probably collect your results from a teacher or staff member who knows you, but it’s working taking ID just in case.
  3. A family member or a close friend 👩‍👦 – While some prefer to navigate GCSE results day solo, others prefer a little backup. Choose a support person who can help you through the day whether you get the results you were hoping for or not.
  4. A pen and paper🖊️🗒️ – It may be necessary to jot down some useful information so a pen and paper are always handy.
  5. A drink and a snack🥤🍌 – It’s important to stay hydrated and keep your energy levels up. Besides, you may have been too nervous to eat breakfast!

It may also be useful to make sure you have the following information to hand:

  • Contact details for any colleges, sixth forms or apprenticeship providers that you’ve applied to in case you need to get in touch with them on the day.
  • National career service details. You may need extra support and this is a great resource offering advisers via phone or webchat.

What are the grades for GCSE 2023?

GCSEs are graded using a numerical system that goes from 9 to 1. This numerical system replaced the previous system of alphabetical grades (A-G) in 2017. 

You can see how these grades compare using the chart below. 

Numerical system

Alphabetical system




A*/high A


Low A


High B


Low B/high C


Low C


D/high E


Low E/high F


Low F/G




What grades do I need to pass my GCSE's?

You’ll need to get a 4 for a ‘standard pass’ or a 5 for a ‘strong pass’.

In terms of what you need to move on to the next step in your academic career, this depends on where you’re going next and what they are looking for. Many sixth forms ask for 5s or 6s in order to start A-level courses, but this can vary.📜

Are 2023 grade boundaries lower?

Over the past few years, there have been many changes to the way exams have been graded in response to the disruption caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.🦠

In September 2022, Ofqual (The Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation) said that grading for GCSE exams taken in 2023 would return to pre-pandemic levels. However, they also said that they would continue to put protection in place for candidates. This means they’ll take into account the disruption to education and make sure that results overall mirror those from before the pandemic in 2019.

Where national performance is lower than pre-pandemic levels, senior examiners will take this into account when setting the grade boundaries. This means that anyone taking exams this year should be just as likely to get a particular grade as before the COVID-19 pandemic.

One thing that is important to remember is that there’s no upper limit on the number of students who can get a particular grade. Candidates should be given a grade based on their performance.✅

Can you appeal against GCSE results? 

If you think there’s been a mistake in your results you can challenge it using the appeals process.

For students in England, you can ask your school or college to contact the exam board and request a review. You may have to pay a fee for this if your grade remains the same, so check with your school or college first.🏫

Here’s what usually happens next:

  1. The exam board will go through your work and check for any mistakes in marking. If they find any discrepancies, your mark might be changed. This could lead to a different grade that may be higher or lower than the initial grade.
  2. If your exam or work has been re-marked and you still think that the grade isn’t right,  you can appeal the result. The exam board will take another look and make a decision about whether your grade should be changed.
  3. If you feel that your appeal has not been dealt with appropriately, you can request that Ofqual review the situation. You must contact Ofqual with your request for a review within 21 days of receiving the appeal decision from the exam board.
  4. Ofqual will then tell you if they are going to take your review further and should keep you updated. If Ofqual reject your review, they will tell you why.

What can I do if I didn't get the GCSE results I wanted?

Firstly, remember that all is not lost. Even with no GCSEs, there are still options. Don’t presume that there’s only one way to get to your next step.🎒

Speak with your next place of study

It’s likely that they’ll still accept you if your grades are a little lower than expected, and they often account for this in their placements. If you do miss out on your intended place, try contacting other sixth forms or colleges to see what they can offer you.

Rethink your plans

If your grades were much lower than expected and you don’t think you can improve on them, then take some time to think about what your next step should be. The subjects you picked in Year 9 might not still be the ones you get excited about, so keep an open mind. Academic study isn’t the right route for everyone, and there are lots of incredible apprenticeships and vocational qualifications that might appeal to your way of working.🛣️

Resit your exams

You should be able to retake your GCSEs for free the year after you’ve received your results. Contact your school or college if you want to resit an exam or retake an assessment.

If you’re under 18 and got below a grade 4 in GCSE English or maths, you’ll have to retake these subjects. GCSE maths and English resits take place in Autumn. For other subjects, you’ll need to wait until the next exam period.

If you decide that resits are your next step, think about changing your revision methods. Check out revision sites or revision apps trying something new. If you do opt for resits, it may be worth hiring a tutor to give yourself the best chance of success. GoStudent offers a free trial lesson so why not check out one of our expert tutors!🎓

GCSE results day can be a rollercoaster of emotions for all involved. Remember to be kind to yourself and think about how far you’ve come before tackling that next step. Whatever the results, take time to congratulate yourself on your achievements and focus on your strengths as you move towards your own exciting future!🌠