Encouraging and Implementing Gratitude: Tips for Parents


1.  Show gratitude first
2. Make it fun and creative
3. Teach kindness too
4. Make a habit out of it


In a fast-paced and stimulating world, gratitude can be hard to teach. We have no doubt that it can be difficult as a parent. Especially with kids zooming around with new cool gadgets every day.

Fostering a more thankful and harmonious environment with your children can be both productive and fun. It is a two-way street for both parent and child. We have some tips to help you encourage and implement more grateful attitudes at home. 



Are ‘please’ and ‘thank you’ overrated?


We've all heard the worried murmurs of parents and grandparents. The claims that kids are impolite these days, because of the lack of gratitude-affirming language.

This begs the question: Are the common gratitude markers like ‘please’ and ‘thank you’ overrated? Well, no, but a scolding every time your child doesn't say it, won’t necessarily be the magical formula to instant gratitude. 

Surprisingly, the best place to start is with you. 🙏🏽

👉 Tip #1 Show gratitude first


As the saying goes, children see, children do. 👀

Little humans are not filters but sponges. They take in everything they see and most of the time, copy it. We’ve all seen the funny little slips when parents accidentally swear in front of their kids. Suddenly this becomes a toddler’s favourite word. Funny anecdotes aside, a great way to enforce gratitude in kids is to give it as well! ♟️

Make a mental note to always show that you're grateful when your kids contribute.

The goal: defining gratitude. When your child helps you in the kitchen or does a small task, this is where you can start!

Remember to consciously look them in the eye and thank them for their help. Yes, we know that little ones are usually the ones making the mess. When they make an effort, show your gratitude in response.

You might be shocked to see how quickly they will get used to it, thanking you in return. ✨


👉 Tip #2 Make it fun and creative


Kids love to have fun, and this benefits them too!

Gratitude goes further than politeness. It helps kids feel more content in their everyday lives and also more secure at home. Happy children, happy parents! That is why we encourage you to make it more fun and less like a lecture.

Why not try making a game out of it? Something like having daily challenges where everyone has to think of a few things they are grateful for.

Our pro tip: Use creative ways to do this, like drawing a picture or acting it out! Another great option is a gratitude diary. Maybe even incorporate a prize somewhere in there for some extra incentive and motivation. 🎭

The most important thing here is that you show your little ones that being grateful, and polite, can be fun and joyful. Not something they have to do just for the sake of it


👉 Tip #3 Teach kindness too


It is important to teach your child that being kind and thankful go hand in hand. This will boost your kids’ ability to interpret emotional situations better. There are many ways to go about this!

Show that you are open to those in need, even if it's something minor.

A top tip: Teach kids how to comfort someone when they're feeling down and need some support. Teach them specific markers. Giving compliments or words of affirmation are great as well, no matter how small.

Telling is great, but here it is time to show! Show your little ones the importance of being kind and understanding with others, and give them little reminders here and there to try it themselves! 

This will mesh with gratitude when they view their surroundings from a more compassionate lens. 🔎


👉 Tip #4 Make a habit out of it


Ah, us humans. We truly are animals of habit. Doesn’t it seem like brushing your teeth and putting on a seatbelt are just hardwired? We can’t imagine our daily lives without it!

This is why being consistent in showing, communicating and encouraging gratitude is so important.

Our tip here: Incorporate hours in the day, like dinner time, where you practice this! Or even better, set activities where you regularly talk about the topic. 

Soon enough, your little ones will not be able to hold back on compliments or how grateful they are for the things they have. In fact, children are often eager children to share this!

It won’t be a forced reminder to say ‘thank you’ when a relative sneaks your kids some sweets They will see and experience the habit of verbal gratitude, and become more appreciative of what they have. 💖

And there it is! Some top tips to encourage and implement gratitude with your kids. This is a process that requires patience and consistency, so don’t fret if it takes a while to kick in! And once it is, we bet the children would be super grateful for some extra study help, so why not book a trial lesson with one of our experienced tutors at GoStudent? They’ll thank you for it later. 🙏🏽