Best Lockdown Activities for Kids


  1. Productive things to do in lockdown
  2. Indoor activities for children
  3. Summer lockdown activities for children


So your world has gone into full lockdown (again) and this time around you want to make a point of juggling all your responsibilities. Striking the perfect work life balance is hard enough as it is, nevermind trying to do it with your kids in your space 24/7.

Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered with tips for productivity, indoor activities for lockdown and even some socially distanced summer fun. child-gardening

Productive things to do in lockdown 2021


Yes, we’re well into 2021, but that doesn’t mean it’s too late to get organised and increase your child’s productivity as well as your own. 

  • Start with a schedule 📆

The working week includes some form of homeschooling for most children during lockdown, but this doesn’t have to mean implementing a boring schedule, just like the one they’re used to having at school or in the classroom.

Instead, sit down with your little one(s) and make a list of all the things that they have to do in the day. 

This is your chance to get their input. Then use this list to build out a daily and weekly schedule that works for them. Make this a fun activity that you can do together – use craft paper, glitter, stickers and markers to build a physical calendar. Once you’ve crafted this practical masterpiece, 🖍 display it on your fridge or someplace where it will be seen daily. 

Keep track of what works and what doesn’t throughout the week and be sure to make adjustments for the following week. 

  • Get them involved 🙋

Children love to learn about life. A wonderful way to encourage this learning is by getting them involved in domestic or “grown-up” activities such as cooking, cleaning or gardening. We’re certainly not promoting child labour with this one. 

On the contrary, getting your child to help out around this house is a productive way of finding out what they like, what they don’t, and teaching them to compromise along the way. In this they will learn the balance of life and also how to take care of themselves or someone else. 

For example, together you could plant a vegetable garden. 🌱  They’ll learn to nurture the plants, watch them grow and recap the rewards of their diligent care once some veggies are produced. 

Indoor activities for children during the lockdown 🛋


So you’ve been cooped up inside for a while now and it’s starting to get to you, especially your child(ren). What can you do during lockdown with your child(ren) to get them moving and release their pent-up energy?

Having extra energy as a child is normal and remember, they don’t have a playground to run around on anymore and also are likely missing those team sports they were so involved in.

There are ways to make indoor, at-home workouts work for you. Here’s what we recommend: 

  • Set some goals 💯

Yes they have energy to burn, but what else do they want to achieve in this exercise time?  Ask your child(ren) for their input, what do they think they can do and go from there. 

Start with small reachable goals. Achieving these will motivate them to think bigger and go further the next time round. 

  • Make it fun 👯

Exercising with your child(ren) regularly is one way of instilling good habits and teaching them to prioritise their own health. But what good is anything to a child if it’s not fun? When things are repetitive they can quickly become boring. 

So changing things up regularly and adding variety to these workouts is key. If you’re struggling to get creative with it, there are so many online resources out there that could help. 

Summer activities for children during the lockdown ☀️


Summer is almost here. Although it will certainly be different this year, there are ways to make sure it’s still fun. When building your weekly schedule, include a minimum of one summer “adventure” per week. 

For example, you could turn your bath into a swimming pool; play in your garden with the hose and sprinkler system; have a tea party in the park; host an afternoon picnic in the living room's sunniest spot 🧺 ; go camping in your backyard. 

Summer is something children look forward to – it’s the one period of the year that screams freedom, so make it memorable. 

We know, lockdown is tough, but it won’t last forever. Make the most of this experience by seeing it as a way to form new bonds and learn a little more about your child(ren). 

Is your child struggling to keep up with their school work during lockdown?

Striking the balance between play time and school time is important. And even with a schedule, keeping your little one on track while learning from home is tough. There’s nothing wrong with asking for a little help. GoStudent tutors meet kids where they’re at and can get them back on track in only a few sessions. Put our free trial to the test today! 🚀Start your kid’s learning journey